Today I am taking a brief pause on sharing shop updates (although there are a few good ones!) and wandering back into the wellness side of Aloha Lovely. Lately, I’ve been struggling with getting myself back to where I want to be fitness-wise. Sure I’ve been going to my local gym sort of regularly, and even go on the occasional run. But, what I’ve realized, is that when I do, I’m just not pushing myself hard enough. And hence, not seeing the results I want. I came to the obvious conclusion that I needed more structure to my workouts and more accountability. Is anyone else feeling the same? If so, buckle up buttercup for my CorePower Yoga review.
New Year, New Gym
So I didn’t set out to be one of those people who joins a new gym in January. But it appears that I now firmly fall into that beloved category. I’ve practiced yoga off and on over the years, but never consistently enough to really advance or achieve great results. It’s sort of been part of the mix of things I do within my fitness routine, to change things up. So I don’t consider myself a beginner, although I am by no means advanced. This year, I’d like to change that.

As I mentioned earlier, I came to the realization sometime in late 2022 that I needed some more structure to how I’ve been approaching the active part of wellness. Joining a yoga studio, specifically a hot yoga studio, was really the first option that popped into my head and for some reason stuck. The idea of getting an intense workout and sweating out even more toxins was appealing. So I did a quick search to see if there were any studios near me. Enter CorePower Yoga.
CorePower Yoga
To my surprise, the nearest CorePower studio was only 5 minutes from my house. I had actually noticed it before but didn’t really see it. As I dug deeper into what this studio is all about, I realized that there are many CorePower studios located nationwide. And when you sign up for a membership, you get access to all of their studios, which is a great feature IMO.

Before I wholeheartedly committed to membership, I decided to sign up for a free trial week. It was easy enough to do online and I instantly had access to sign up for a class. I signed up for a Yoga Sculpt class pronto. That week, I think I did a total of 5 classes, I tried three different classes within that first week, which is how I’d recommend you take advantage of your free week trial. I pretty much knew after my first class that I wanted to sign up for a membership. They also had a special price for your first month when you signed up, not sure if that is still current but was a nice bonus.
How it’s going
I am now two months into my membership and have been going to in-person classes 4 to 5 times a week. It may be an obsession at this point but am finally starting to see the results I want. I am getting stronger and able to work harder at each class I attend. It’s definitely not a results overnight kinda thing, but I am seeing results and am totally satisfied with the membership. Here are some quick bulletpoints of why I love CorePower Yoga.
- Class Variety – There are a range of classes that vary in difficulty/intensity. My favorite is the Yoga Sculpt class where you use weights within the flows. I’ll also mix in some of the other classes during the week especially if I am doing them a couple of days in a row.
- Class Times – I am 100% a fan of early morning workouts, so I typically join the earliest classes of the day. They have a pretty decent number of classes a day so something is bound to work for your schedule. Tip: In my experience, the earlier the class, the less crowded, except for Saturday morning classes, which are always busy.
- The Teachers – Super friendly and welcoming and will very likely remember you by name if you go consistently. They really seem to care about their students and are always asking for feedback about the classes they lead.
Overall, I believe that if you are looking for a more structured, class-type fitness experience, CorePower Yoga might just be perfect for you. And with their free week trial what do you have to lose? I am seeing benefits both physically and mentally of my membership and plan to continue to grow my yoga practice and get in the best shape of my life.
Hope you could get some value out of my CorePower Yoga review. Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried one of their classes or maybe something else has works for you. Until next time, Aloha!
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