So pretty much everyone at the present moment is having to deal with social distancing in some form. Coronavirus is making its way around the world and disrupting life in ways we never imagined. The modern world hasn’t dealt with a virus of this magnitude, so we’re all scrambling to adjust to this new (and hopefully temporary) norm.
This post isn’t meant to tell you how you should or shouldn’t be doing something: like a lecture on how to wash your hands or basic personal hygiene (there are enough posts about that). I just wanted to share how we are handling it in our little household and keep up the spirit of solidarity with others.
Working from Home
We’re going on week five of social distancing in our home. My office decided pretty early on to move the entire company to remote working as soon as possible. Our industry allows for it, which I am very grateful.
It’s been a little bit of an adjustment with regards to setting up my workspace, dealing with seemingly neverending video conferencing and in general, staying both focused and creative. Thankfully, I’ve gotten into a good flow and my team does a fantastic job communicating, which is key with us all being remote.
Distance Learning
My two girls, ages 11 and 14 are finally going to start some structured distance learning with their schools. For the first few weeks I had them set up on somewhat of a schedule which I jokingly referred to as “School of Mom”.
I broke up the day in chunks that included academic time, creative time and free time. It’s gone pretty well, but we’ve all been anxious to have a bit more guidance from their schools. While we waited we checked out educational resources from sites like Scholastic and which has compiled a huge list of free educational resources.

Increasing Self Care
This is one area that I have really invested more time and energy into. Now that I no longer have to spend the time commuting to the office, I have no excuse not to fit in more self-care. Here are the ways I am taking better care of myself in the present.
Consistent Exercise
I have been working out almost every day. It feels great to be able to really dedicate some time to consistent exercise. I go on runs and walks, do online yoga sessions and have recently gotten back into some Crossfit WODs.
Not only am I feeling stronger and happier with my physical self, getting consistent exercise is doing wonders for my mental and emotional wellbeing as well. One online resource I have been using regularly is Active by POPSUGAR which is currently free.
If you’re struggling to figure out what might be the right workout mix for you, check out my post on exactly that How to Find Your Fitness Groove
Personal Care
This is another area where I have really slowed down to really give myself some extra needed attention. Bring out all the lotions and potions, face masks, and body scrubs. Taking the time to care for your body will lead to nourishment for your soul as well.
I’ve been pulling out all sorts of body care products that I’ve been accumulating over time and now I’m indulging in all of them. One beauty company that I highly recommend is the Hawaii brand Malie. If you truly want to pamper yourself, they are the perfect choice.

Eating Well
This is an area that I am definitely still working on. It’s easy to indulge in not so healthy eating and drinking habits during this time. In general, I am trying to keep things simple: lots of whole foods and keeping super hydrated.
I’ve been making a lot of smoothies and just listening to my body. I’m also working on expanding the usual recipes I make, trying new things now that I have a little more time to do so. Maybe now is the time to try out one of those cleanses you’ve always wanted to do? I tried one from Beaming which was quite the adventure. Check it out in my post here.

Slowing Down
Unless you are an emergency or front line worker (Many, many, many thanks to all of you!!!) you are most likely being forced to slow down during this time of social-distancing. We’re all spending much more time (if not all of it) at home and I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ve had my own moments of feeling a bit stir crazy.
I do however think that we could all use a little slowing down. One way I’m taking advantage of the slow down is to catch up on some reading. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed regular reading sessions and the escape it provides has been great.
Keeping Optimistic
It can be a challenge to remain optimistic during this time but just like exercise, I believe you can coach yourself to snap out of negative moods. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and when you feel yourself heading to a more negative place, see if you can take a breather and get yourself out of that space.
Maybe it’s lifting some weights or taking a solo walk, soaking in the tub or revisiting a favorite movie or book. Find your own sancuary and escape to it for a little while. And remember, that you are not alone in these kind of feelings.
So there you go. A few ways that I am handling social distancing without losing my mind. I’d love to hear how you are handling life these days. Any tips or personal insight to share? Please share in the comments below.
Until next time, Aloha!
Donna Taylor
June 26, 2020 at 4:53 PMSome excellent insights, Julie, and a good point about staying super hydrated. That’s something I think I’ve been overlooking to date. Not being out and about so much means I’m not feeling so thirsty so not drinking as much. Your article served as a timely reminder for me because it’s easy to become dehydrated in warm climates without realizing it.
I’m taking advantage of the extra time at home to prepare and photograph more recipes for a new blog. That’s something I’ve been planning for several years but never found the time to do. Now I have the time!
June 27, 2020 at 2:11 AMThats great Donna! I’ve also been able to find renewed focus on my blog during this time, and I am grateful for that!
May 6, 2020 at 5:09 PMIt sounds like you are adjusting to working from home. It can definitely be a struggle but it’s great you are getting exercise in, that’s so important.
You may remember me, I used to have a blog Dream of Adventures. I took a break and just relaunched a new blog with my boyfriend. I’d love it if you took a look =o)
Stay healthy and safe
x Katerina (formally the adventurer)
May 16, 2020 at 2:14 AMHi Katerina! I will absolutely check it out! We all need breaks now and then. Hope you are doing well!
April 17, 2020 at 2:45 AMI’ve switched to remote work, too. It’s an adjustment for sure! Staying optimistic is a great attitude to have.
April 16, 2020 at 6:21 AMAll this homeschooling is what is the hardest! My kids are 5 and 12 so they are learning much different things right now and its driving me bananas. Thanks for all the tips and self care needs to be moving up my priority list.
Deb B.
April 15, 2020 at 11:33 PMThese are all awesome and very much needed tips. The self care department is where I need to be the most mindful about. Great reminders that yes, this is all temporary, and we have to do all we can to get through it while keeping our sanity!
April 17, 2020 at 2:34 AMIt’s all where you put your focus right? I’m enjoying feeling a bit more in control of my time, if not much else
Shayla Marie
April 15, 2020 at 12:45 PMI’ve been trying to knock out as much work as I possibly can so that we have some free time once this is lifted. I’m excited to get out and get some hiking in.
April 17, 2020 at 2:35 AMThat’s a great strategy…I really need to up my content creation game…maybe create a surplus for summer
April 15, 2020 at 11:58 AMYou’d think that with all of the social distancing we practiced during our time as military spouses, we’d be used to it, but this is way different! LOL! Keep staying sane!
April 15, 2020 at 12:10 PMVery good point! This is nothing right? lol