Favorite Running Gear

This post contains affiliate links. This means that Aloha Lovely may receive a small commission if you decide to purchase any of the linked products or services. Please know that we only recommend products and services that we personally use and trust. Mahalo. Ever since welcoming our Rhodesian Ridgeback Aza into our family 2.5 years ago, Running has become a larger part of my fitness routine. Ridgebacks are one of those dog breeds that requires daily exercise. Well, every pup should be getting some sort of daily exercise but let’s just say if he didn’t, he might take his energy out elsewhere, like our furniture or household goods. So, for his health and sanity as well as our own, we knew we needed to be able to commit to exercising him. A great way to meet this daily active requirement has been in the form of an early morning run. Not only has this been great for the puppy, but for me as well! In addition, this routine has helped renew a long lost love of running I once had. As I’ve now been running more regularly, I’ve had time to collect a few pieces of running gear that make the daily grind that … Continue reading Favorite Running Gear